
Liberally, this our backyard. If you walk three block east from our house you happen upon part of the urban trail system in Flagstaff.
There are trails all over the city. We had a great walk on Saturday afternoon. Can you think of three reasons not to visit?

It is sad when trees die, but they are so beautiful in their past age.

1 comment:

sweetflag said...

I would like to say that it is nice to see you with so much time on your hands meghan.

I would also like to make an official entry to the Flagstaff Sweepstakes. I have been thinking that the only thing, aside from the painfully obvious and nasty, that the ol' 18-wheeler could have been referring to is engines. not the kind that were driven out of the wild west by billy the kid and the likes, but the kind that power the likes of stoke engines and well, poundin??? Some sort of motors, cummin', i guess that would be.
that's my offical entry.

i wish i could post pics to someone else's blog.